
town n' country tack, horse blanket, horse clipping, horse hair, horse coat, horse grooming, horses in cold

How do I determine the best winter blanket weight for my horse so he doesn’t get chilled or overheated? When choosing a winter blanket for your horse, a number of considerations can help you avoid under- or over-blanketing your horse, including climate, your horse’s hair coat, and his environment.

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For horse people, nothing is more beautiful than a horse with a gleaming, dappled coat and a freely flowing mane and tail. Creating such a look is not impossible, but does require some effort. Following are nine tips for making your horse both eye-catching and the picture of health, all year round.

hay wisp, horse grooming, stain horse, equine grooming, horse coat, equine coat, horse shedding, curry comb, horse tail rubbing, thin horse tail, horse sheath

“My grey horse is so covered with manure stains he looks like a pinto... My horse’s tail rubbing habit has left him with almost no tail and a big bald patch at the base of the tail... My horse’s mane is getting too long but he won’t let me pull it.” These are just a few examples of the most popular grooming complaints grumbled about by horse owners with increasing frequency and frustration as show season looms closer and closer.

University of Guelph, Hot Horse, Hot Equine, Horse Hydratiion, Horse in Heat, Equine in Heat, Evaporative Cooling, Convection, Ambient Temperature Humidity, HEAT STRESS Effect on Horses, Training Horses in the heat

As we move through the height of our summer competition season, it is not uncommon to have multiple days of severe heat and humidity - the days when you sweat while standing still.

Horse Grooming Kit

There are several tools that are commonly used when grooming a horse. Proper use and technique helps to ensure the horse remains comfortable during the grooming process, and allows for greater ease in cleaning the animal.
