Seasonal Care

University of Guelph, Hot Horse, Hot Equine, Horse Hydratiion, Horse in Heat, Equine in Heat, Evaporative Cooling, Convection, Ambient Temperature Humidity, HEAT STRESS Effect on Horses, Training Horses in the heat

As we move through the height of our summer competition season, it is not uncommon to have multiple days of severe heat and humidity - the days when you sweat while standing still.

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The last ten to fifteen minutes of every ride should consist of walking on a long or loose rein to allow the horse to relax, stretch his muscles, and, if he is winded from the exercise, catch his breath. This may be all the cool-down the average horse requires in order to physically recover from moderate exercise on a cool to warmish day. But intense workouts can strain muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and when coupled with soaring summer temperatures can cause your horse’s body temperature to skyrocket.

Horse Pasture

By Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D. - If you let your horse out to graze on pasture for only a few hours each day, and provide hay the rest of the time, you've likely noticed how he approaches the grass like a vacuum cleaner, barely lifting his head the entire time he is outside.

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Do you ride all winter, no matter how deep the snow gets, or do you hang up your saddle at the first cool breeze in autumn? If the winter season has caused any modifications in your horse’s exercise level or feeding plan, you will need to consider the following points as you bring the horse back into work in the spring.

Horse Management Tips for Cold Temperatures

By Holly Wiemers - Bitter cold temperatures have been a theme this winter, and are now here again. While the ideal time for cold weather preparation is in the fall, there are management tips recommended by experts to help keep your horses healthy now. According to Bob Coleman, extension horse specialist within the University of Kentucky’s Department of Animal and Food Sciences, horse owners should also think about preparing for acute versus chronic cold.

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The heat of mid-summer is upon us and across Canada, horse owners are looking for ways to keep our horses cool! Here are some suggestions...
