Breed Profiles

Norwegian Fjord, Asiatic wild horse or Przewalski horse, Highland Pony and the Icelandic Horse. Horses used by vikings, Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia, American Driving Society (ADS), Wallace Point Fjords, Blue Raven Farm, and McKinnon’s Neck Farm

The Norwegian Fjord is considered one of the oldest pure breeds of horse. While they bear a striking resemblance to the Asiatic wild horse or Przewalski horse, they are in fact more closely related to the European wild horse, the Tarpan, as the Przewalski horse has 66 chromosomes while both the Fjord and the Tarpan have 64.

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The American Saddlebred is the quintessential show horse. Proud and athletic, they light up any space with their presence and eye-catching looks. But the Saddlebred is also much more than a show horse. For 200 years, the breed has been a great riding horse, cavalry horse, and family companion.

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For millennia, the vibrancy and diversity of the coat colours and patterns of multi-hued horses have held a powerful fascination for humans around the world. This fascination with horses with variegated coats continues today, as evidenced greatly by the widespread popularity of the American Paint Horse, whose identity is closely tied to its colourful coat patterns.

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These days, importing European horses generally means flying expensive horses with high-performance Warmblood pedigrees over to North America. But importing horses to North America isn’t anything new. Horses were brought over from Europe when Spanish explorers and conquistadors sailed the ocean blue in the 15th century.

Iberian Peninsula, Iberian horse, horse history, equine history, Lusitano

The Iberian Peninsula of southwest Europe contains the countries of Spain, Portugal, Andorra, and Gibraltar, as well as a very small portion of France. The land’s mountainous slopes, arid plateaus, deep river valleys, and expansive coastline have been home to equines for many millennia. Today, there are 17 breeds native to the peninsula, which are thusly named Iberian horses.

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In British Columbia, Howard Jackson, who with his wife, Marylin, owns the BC Appaloosa Centre (BCAC) in Prince George, has enjoyed a lifelong relationship with Appaloosas. Jackson was born in 1948, and in 1955 his father acquired an aged Appaloosa stallion named White Chief #36 ApHCC in a horse trade.

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On August 6, 2020, a cloned Przewalski’s horse foal was born at the Texas veterinary facility, Timber Creek Veterinary, a long-time collaborator with ViaGen Equine in Cedar Park, Texas, a world leader in cloning services. To bring a cloned Przewalski’s foal into the world, they worked together with San Diego Zoo Global’s Frozen Zoo, and Revive & Restore, a conservation organization promoting biotechnology in conservation techniques.

Arabian Horse Genome, arabians thoroughbreds, genetics of arabians

Genetic Study Challenges Common Beliefs - A study involving Arabian horses from 12 countries has found that some populations maintained more genetic diversity and that the breed did not contribute genetically to the modern-day Thoroughbred, contrary to popular thought.

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Descending from prehistoric Celtic ponies, the native Welsh Mountain Pony has existed in a recognizable form since around 1600 BC. These early ponies adapted to the unforgiving terrain, sparse feed, and inclement weather, creating a hardy, agile, and intelligent animal.

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The Friesian horse’s striking looks, long flowing hair, and expressive gaits make these “Black Pearls” a sight to behold. It is also a horse with a rich history and an endearing temperament. Ask any Friesian enthusiast and they will tell you these horses are creatures of dreams and fantasies.






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